European Chess Union and Aegean University present the “Chess in primary education” academic course

European Chess Union and Aegan University specialised in long distance learning programs signed the Agreement of co-operation yesterday in Rhodes, Greece.

Registration opens till 1st of June on the online form :

The training course “Chess in Primary Education” is primarily aimed at teachers in primary education, as well as students of pedagogical departments. Secondly, it is aimed at any chess tutor interested in training related to the contribution of chess to education.

The course will provide an academic certificate and ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area for making studies and courses more transparent. It helps students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised by the state systems.

Professor Katerina T. Frantzi coordinator of the course and ECU President Zurab Asmaiparashvili signed the agreement that opens the door for the recognition of academic qualifications to teach chess in schools.

The participants can choose among two choices to follow the same academic program:

A. Part time 50% (work load 20h per week)

B. Part time 25% (work load 10h per week)

The program cost is 550 euros with a 10% discount (500 euros) with full payment by the start or a 10% discount for groups of at least 5 students (club, school..). The discounts can not be combined.

The program brochure with all details and Cvs of main coordinators:


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